An interesting Kickstarter project aiming to produce a book exploring how Victorian ideas about sex and sexuality inform our modern ideas about sex and sexuality. And, of course, they’re using the Steampunk angle as a way to have a bit of fun with it:
Gaslamp Games, creators of the enjoyable rogue-like Dungeons of Dredmor, have just revealed their new game to the world today and it is all about building steampunk cities in a dangerous world filled with monsters, elder gods, insane people and evil. – [Violent Gamer]
Here’s just two images from the game – one art, one is supposedly actual gameplay; click either for the full article with more screen shots. Or, view Gaslamp Games’ press release.
Not to be outdone by our amazing Website Administrator Proteus, as Content Administrator I felt I should probably jump on the update band wagon!
I found this amazing little find today for those who are on the maker side of Steampunk. Should your project require use of a sync cable for an iPod, iPhone, or iPad, I found this ready-made solution for you. It also happens to be about $5.00(USD) less than the apple product.
Head on down to Eastern Collective and have a look. While your at it, if you need other cabling ideas check our forum thread located Here .
Pages from two major papers are available at no charge; others require payment to access. Still, a very fun look into Victorian history and a great source of inspiration for projects!