The Machines de L’île (Nantes)
Posted by on July 24th,2008If you are the lucky ones who have friends/family/holidays in Brittany. You have to go to Nantes. First of all, the city saw the birth of one of our beloved genius, Jules Vernes. But I will not talk literature now, but mechanics. When you go downtown, near the river Loire, there is a very particular island in which dwell many stange creatures, half steel, half wood. The Machines de L’île is an artistic project situated in the former warehouses of the Nantes shipyard. Part Vernes, part Vinci and definitely part Dr Moreau, you cannot miss the gallery of the Machines, the Heron Tree and the Great Elephant (dare you ride it?). It is worth the travel for any steampunk lover! Picture : Nautilus Nantes