Aquatic Observation of Channeled Aetheric Energies
Posted by on October 8th,2007Mr Handbook, from the forum, has recently revealed his scientific apperatus for the study of aetheric energies on lifeforms – in this case, fish. Known as the “Aquatic Observation of Channeled Aetheric Energies” or A.O.C.A.E. for short, this mostly spherical construction channels aetheric energies through the venusuan crystal in the chamber at the top and manifests itself to the human eye as a violet-tinted glow.
Of course, the medical applications for such a device will be soon to follow (just as they were for electricity and uranium) but at the moment the aetheric energies refuse to apply their lifegiving properties outwith a watery medium. No doubt Mr Handbook will triumph, however.
The scientific apperatus is equipped with a magnifying glass, all the better to see the piscine participants within, and with sturdy mechanical graspers for holding extra notes and equipment. A wonderful device, and I look forward to the bright future that aetheric medicinal applications so obviously have. (Good goggles, too, Sir.)