Nauticalia – Nautical and Steam themed shop
Posted by on May 7th,2007Reader Ian saw that there had been some steam engines posted here in the past (oh, but how I adore steam engines), but wondered if Nauticalia, a UK based nautical themed online store, might still have treasures for us to enjoy. There are miniature replica steam engines, Stirling engines, compasses and sundials, barometers, brass gimballed lamps (so that they’ll self right in a storm) and lovely glass fishing float spheres that look very good displayed under a net. With Verne’s 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, and the surfeit of brass items, nautical theming is seldom far from Steampunk in my opinion, and things like porthole mirrors and 3d underwater adventure slide projectors (or rather, the idea of – I’m sure the reality is deeply dissapointing) put ideas in my head something rotten. Thank you, Mr Ian.