Report from the darker, dirtier side #3
Posted by on November 5th,2009Good day, visitor! We have an update again for you today on what has been going on in the darker, dirtier corner of our ‘punk genres.
The website Dieselpunks has an interview with Ghostfire, a band “Unmistakably British and unmistakably steampunk,” according to SteamPunk Magazine. “We live in dark, oppressive times and what we do is reflective of these times,” they say. “We’re fighters and we shall succeed. We believe in what we do; we adore the style and content of all that is Ghostfire and, of course, steampunk.”
The November issue of the online magazine the Gatehouse Gazette has been released, devoted to “Beautiful Industry”. The Traveler’s Steampunk Blog writes: “Despite all the ills industrialisation caused and causes (workers’ exploitation, pollution, rampant urbanization, industrialised warfare) it also created the infrastucture, productivity and basis for advances in science and technology which today provide the highest standart of living the world has ever seen.” And that is exactly what the latest edition of the magazine celebrates.
Also available for reading is the third issue of Steampunk tales with ten original short stories for just $1.99. And a third ezine, called The Condordium is currently in the making. Keep your eyes out for more there!
The Edwardian Promenade is normally not the darkest place of weblogs, but for Halloween, they delivered a nifty post about Hallowe’en In the Gilded Age: a brief history of a holiday that should certainly be steampunk’ed more, we say!
Lastly, for a fine collection of recent dieselpunk fashion styles, stop by at Gearing Up, regularly updated with glamorous photos from both the Golden Era and now.
Artwork by David Holland.