“9” Another Sneak Peak
Posted by on June 26th,2009The nice people producing the motion picture “9” have given us another morsel from the forthcoming film:
About 5 Voiced by Academy Award nominee John C. Reilly, 5 is a caring, nurturing engineer – the loyal, big-hearted “common man” who always tries to play the peacemaker. He is also an apprentice of 2, with whom he shares a special bond.
Insider Trivia Screenwriter Pamela Pettler previously co-wrote the animated hits “Monster House” and Tim Burton’s “Corpse Bride.”
Can’t get enough of 9? – Meet the Scientist at Facebook.com/9Scientist – Explore the Scientists Lab at 9Experiment.com – Watch the trailer at 9TheMovie.com – Visit on your cell phone at 9.msite.tv – Sign up for mobile alerts by texting ‘9″ to 4FOCUS (436287) – Be sure to download the reader by texting ‘READER’ to 4FOCUS (436287) so you can decipher the secret messages on the street and gain access to exclusive content! – Secret Tip: Comic Con 2009!
Be sure to stay alligned with this transmission for further tidbits from this film!