All Aboard for Cloudland, originally uploaded by ponto.

“Susie and her little sister were a little nervous when they began their first ride on the transcontinental blimp express. Only the pilot appeared confident.”

Oh, kittens in an airship – a combination that I cannot resist. This is a photograph by Harry Whittier Frees (1879-1963, caption his) who dressed animals up in human like clothing, with props and photographed them for postcards and books. The photograph above is from the Flickr pool of Ponto, of the Animals Aloft book (UK, US) which also includes Kiddo the airship cat, posted previously.

“These unusual photographs of real kittens, puppies, and bunnies were made possible only by patient unfailing kindness on the part of the photographer at all times.”

Which is a bit of a relief – apparently he found the whole thing so stressful that he would do the photography for only three months in the year, the rest of the time spent preparing props and costumes.

Perhaps you are less fond of kittens and would prefer a bunny in an airship instead? Well, Mr Frees had you covered there also. There’s quite a lot of other Harry Whittier Frees photographs at the Calvin Pelorian Cat Project, a site that adores anthromorphising photographs, though I strongly suggest that you do not attempt anything like this yourself. Please, think of the kittens!