Happy Air-Kraken Day!
Posted by on March 17th,2007Today is/was Air-Kraken Day! To celebrate, Mr Epp ever so kindly created wallpaper sized images of the above ‘historical document’ of an Air-Kraken attack on this day in 1903. Quite terrifying, but with a majesty that defies civilised logic, I’m sure you’ll agree. You are too kind, Mr Epp. In fact, I’ve been thinking that Air-Krakens would make excellent shapes for kites – perhaps being flown on Air-Kraken day to scare off other Air-Krakens for the rest of the year. You can find squid kites (here and here, pricey though they are) but they most certainly lack the subtlety of their larger, airbourne cousins. I do intend to learn to make my own kites, and perhaps my next post will help.